Thanksgiving is my favorite meal of the year!
This year on Thanksgiving I am flying from Taiwan to Hong Kong. This is my first year not eating a traditional Thanksgiving dinner at home, but at least I'll still be with my family. Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite meal out of the whole year because my grandpa used to make the best dinners. His stuffing is still my favorite of all time. Now, we have the privilege of cooking Thanksgiving dinner for him (although my stuffing will never be as good as his)!
Since I'm missing Thanksgiving dinner, I had to celebrate a bit early while I was still in LA. I've been eating the Farmer John ham for a few years now and it's incredible. It's easy, juicy, tasty, and you can use the leftover for anything including fried rice, porridge, soup, salad, sandwiches, and the list is endless!
I'm wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving from Asia! Find out on my IG if I can get my hands on any traditional Thanksgiving food while I'm overseas. I'm craving it!
This year I incorporated some bacon into the spread with bacon in the scored ham and also jalapeno and bacon wrapped corn bread muffins.
These dishes couldn't be any easier! Let's get started:
FARMER JOHN® Whole Ham (fully-cooked)
1 cup Brown Sugar
1 pack FARMER JOHN® All-Natural Bacon
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Carefully score ham in a diamond shape
Roast ham in oven in a deep pan to catch all the juices for 1 hour
Remove, bast ham with its own juices, and sprinkle sugar all over and make sure you get it in the cracks
Place bacon on a baking pan and put into oven
Roast ham for 30 more minutes
Remove bacon and ham from oven and plate as desired
It's READY to eat!!! My favorite thing to do is just stand in the kitchen and pick at the ham. It's so good just plain!!
Corn Bread Muffins
Your favorite cornbread mix (let's not make judgements that I didn't make them from scratch)
1 pack FARMER JOHN® All-Natural Bacon
Bake, fry, or microwave bacon halfway
Line muffin tins with bacon
Spoon muffin batter into muffin tin inside the bacon ring
Sprinkle bacon bits and Jalapeno on top of batter
Bake cornbread as instructed until golden brown
See more Farmer John products here!